From Words To Structure: Crafting A Framework For Your Speaking Services

From Words To Structure: Crafting A Framework For Your Speaking Services

As you develop your personal brand, you will be invited to speak at various platforms. You will attract speaking opportunities because once people see that you know your onions, they’ll want you on their platform, digitally or physically, to give value to them and their audience.

When you first start building your personal brand, you’ll be tempted to jump at all the speaking opportunities you get, and that’s fine. However, as you advance in your career, you have to be choosy.

You have to reject speaking opportunities that do not align with your personal branding goals.

Now, how do you know speaking opportunities to say yes to and the ones to reject?

Here’s how – identify your message.

What is your core point?

Is it a matter of leadership?

Is it relationship?

Is it communication?

What exactly is it?

You must identify your message before you can even say no to a speaking opportunity.

Some persons can approach you to invite you to speak on a subject. If you haven’t identified your message, you’ll embrace any and every subject that’s thrown your way.

But when your message is clear to you, you can respectfully say no to a subject that isn’t related to your core message.

After your message has been identified, your speaking service should have a process.

Someone should not just send you a message saying “I want you to speak at my event” and the next thing, you’re jumping at it. Well, unless you have a personal relationship with that person.

Even at that, you should have a process around speaking engagements. When it is free, it increases the respect people have for you. When it is paid, it raises their perception of you, to the point where you may charge much more.

So, what is your method?

What should your procedure entail?

Let me tell you what I do for mine.

When someone texts me and says, “Hi Blessing, I want you to speak at my event,” I direct them to send me an email.

This is why you need an official email address. They can express their interest and tell you about the organization they want you to speak at via email.

When they send an email, I immediately send a speaker request form.

Most of the time, the details of the event they send via email isn’t enough for me to draw my conclusions. So, I have them fill out a speaker request form, as it will guide my decision on whether to embrace or reject the offer.

A speaker request form contains a lot of information and allows you to filter speaking offers.

When you don’t know how to say “I charge for my speaking sessions,” you can add to your speaker request form –  “This is the price for my speaking engagement.”

When people see that form, they know you mean business and aren’t the type of person who is approached and told, “I want you to speak at my event,” and then leaves. They are aware that there is a procedure that they must follow.

After going through their response, you should make your own research. Examine the organization; what is its track record? Examine their past activities. Is it appropriate for where you are now? Who are the other speakers at the event?

You see, the kind of speaking engagements you accept will define the types of speaking opportunities that will come your way in the future.

If you want global speaking opportunities with well-known thought leaders, you need to be very careful and make extensive research.

If the event organizers are not paying you, you can request their permission to sell your digital products, provide services, or network with other speakers.

For speaking engagements that checks all the list and you agree to, make sure you have what I call a “speakers kit.”

After you say yes to their request, these organizations will usually ask for your bio and name, which is where the speaker kit comes in. It’s important that you have professional photos.

Your images should be two or three selections that are appropriate for the flier. If you’re a doctor, the leaflet should say “Doctor” before your name. Ensure they have your correct designation.

Your speaker kit should also contain your biography. Don’t limit yourself to just one bio. You can have various types of biographies.

You should have a concise bio, perhaps one or two lines, that summarizes all you do, and a longer, more extensive version of your bio that is only 4 to 5 paragraphs long. You can also have an audio and video version of your biography that can be played before you come up stage.

When you do this, you will be able to attract more speaking opportunities, choose the right ones and attract your preferred opportunities.