In today’s world, when people encounter you for the first time, whether it’s at a presentation or simply chatting at an event, the first thing they’ll probably do is check you out on Google, or any social media platform.
So you find yourself addressing an audience and someone takes your name and goes to Google, types your name into Google, and nothing shows up, except for one or two pages that luckily come up. Then, they go to your social media platform and find very little to nothing, which might seriously jeopardize opportunities that they may have intended to give you access to.
You may be good at your job and have results to show for it. But if only your coworkers, employees, or family and friends are aware of it, you’ll miss out on a lot of opportunities because people can’t find you online.
They can’t see how talented you are. So you’re missing out on them because when they go to Google or social media to learn more about you, only a snippet of information appears, which is insufficient to persuade them.
This is why in this article, I’ll be showing you how to be visible online.
1. Maintain consistency across your profiles
First, you have to maintain consistency across your social media profiles. The truth is, people will search for you on social media first, maybe LinkedIn or Facebook. Then when they can’t find you there, they type out your name on Google.
When they head over to Google and still can’t find you or trace any of your social media posts, then there’s a problem.
To build visibility online, begin with your social media platform. Start creating content consistently on whatever social media channel you’re on.
When I say consistently, I don’t mean publishing every day, because if you’re an executive, CEO, or business owner reading this right now, you might not be able to post every day for your personal brand.
What consistency means is when you say “I’m going to post three times a week”, you stick to it. At the very least, when someone visits your social media platform, they will have to scroll for a while to view your posts. You have to constantly create content around what you do and the value you bring to the table.
2. Own a website
Owning a website adds credibility to your personal brand. When visitors visit your website, they can see information about you, where you’ve been featured, and the extraordinary things you do.
Social media has its limitations in that you cannot post as much and people may have to scroll to learn more about you. However, your website displays it in an easy-to-navigate format. So own a website, so that when people search for you, your website appears in one of the search results.
3. Get listed on Google My Business
Google My Business is a free Google product that provides visibility to business owners on Google. You can make use of this as a personal brand. It’s quick and easy to navigate.
4. Start blogging
You can also start a blog. If you have a website, this is something you should consider doing. You should have a blog section where you can write longer pieces on what you do and the value you provide.
So when visitors visit your blog, it’s all about you, and they’re sold. If you don’t have a website or working on one, you have a plethora of free blogging options to choose from. There’s Medium, Substack, etc. You can download the app, or use the web version, join in, and start sharing content there until you can acquire your blog or website.
5. Create a podcast
Another thing you can consider doing to get visibility is creating a podcast. I have one titled Shadows to Spotlight and it appears in search results associated with my name. Consider this: I have a website, I post on social media, I own a blog, and my podcast appears when you search for me. You’ll keep scrolling until you’re convinced that I’m the real deal. Do you understand? So begin a podcast.
6. Own a YouTube channel
Thousands of times when you search for something on Google, it directs you to YouTube. You can upload videos on YouTube. It may be videos with people conversing, or of you speaking about lifestyle, sharing educational content or teaching people about what you do. I understand that staying consistent on YouTube requires a lot of effort, but you can do it once a month or biweekly.
7. Get featured in the media
Getting featured in the media is another way to go about getting visible online. As you begin to build your personal brand, media celebrities will be attracted to you. I’ve been featured by many media platforms that simply reached out to me and said, “Hey, Blessing, I love what you do, would you mind an interview or would you like to talk about this?” And I’ll be like, “Oh yes!”
I’ve been featured on their blogs, in print publications, and on various media channels. However, if they don’t reach out to you, you pitch. Yes! Pitch to blogs that align with your career goals.
Have a compilation of media platforms that are related to what you do or that your competitors have been featured on, and send them a proposal expressing your desire to contribute to what they do. Let them know that you would love to be featured on their website. Some will require you to pay for it. If you must pay for it, do so, since it will provide you with a lifetime opportunity. Nobody needs to know that you pitched or paid for it.
Implementing these strategies will not only enhance your online presence but also strategically position you to attract the opportunities you desire.